Welcome to the Stroudsburg Middle School Library
Knowledge is power!
Online Catalog Click on the books to view our online circulation catalog!
Our Mission
The mission of the Middle School Library is to ensure that students and staff members are effective users of ideas and information. Information literacy is a survival skill in the Information Age.
Library Access
The library is open each day from 8:00 am - 3:10 pm. A flexible open schedule provides access to the library when needed by individuals, groups, and/or classes. Subject area teachers schedule class time in the library for students to learn the skills and resources necessary to begin research assignments. Through joint planning, the librarian and subject area teacher will determine the # of additional research periods a student may need to complete an assignment. Students with passes are allowed to complete assignments during their free time. Due to space constrictions, we can not allow more than 2-3 students per class. If too many classes are in the library, students with passes are the first to leave.
Mrs. Dubicki